

(904) 831- 1446

Labs and Specialty Tests

CardioMetabolic Risk Test

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Standard cholesterol tests can miss that YOU are at risk. SpectraCell’s CardioMetabolic Test offers a clinically relevant evaluation to help define risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), progression toward Type 2 Diabetes, and inflammation. It includes SpectraCell’s Advanced Lipoprotein Particle Profile™ Plus (LPPTM Plus), which measures lipoprotein size and density; cardiovascular risk stratification; and also includes triglycerides and traditional cholesterol screening.

Each patient is assigned a CardioMetabolic Risk Assessment, which is an indication of your risk (Low, Moderate or High) for developing cardiovascular disease, including stroke and diabetes. In addition, the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment is an estimate of your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.  These check points help patients understand that not just one factor, but rather a constellation of risk factors, contribute to the genesis and progression toward poor blood sugar control and/or ASCVD. 

Results of testing allow doctors to know when guidance, educational referral, or treatment is necessary. Key components of the CardioMetabolic Risk Panel are listed below.



All patients, and especially those who:

  • Have a family history of heart disease or diabetes.
  • Have been diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes.
  • Are already taking cholesterol-lowering medications.
  • Have been diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome (high blood pressure)
  • Are overweight
  • Have high LDL – the bad cholesterol.
  • Have low HDL – the good cholesterol.
  • Have high triglycerides


Standard cholesterol testing only gives you part of the picture leaving many people with “normal” cholesterol numbers unaware that they are still at risk for a heart attack.  The National Cholesterol Education Program introduced new risk factors that are responsible for many individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease. 

According to the NCEP guidelines, 50% of people who have a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels. 

Cholesterol is carried throughout the body in little balls called lipoproteins.  It is the lipoproteins, not the cholesterol in them, that leads to clogging of the arteries.




The Pre-Diabetes Biomarkers identify metabolic abnormalities that may progress into diabetes.  Pre-diabetes is a condition where the body cannot efficiently metabolize foods, especially carbohydrates, resulting in impaired glycemic (blood sugar) control which may progress to diabetes when not properly treated or addressed through lifestyle changes.

SpectraCell’s Pre-Diabetes Risk Score is a way to estimate a patient’s risk of developing diabetes and associated complications such as heart disease or stroke.  The following tests have the largest impact on the pre-diabetes risk score: hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood sugar and metabolic syndrome traits.  Other factors that significantly affect a pre-diabetic risk but that are not included in this report include weight, blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, inflammation and family history. 


  • Glucose – snapshot of blood sugar at time of blood draw
  • Insulin – correlates to the efficiency with which a person can metabolize carbohydrates; high fasting levels indicate insulin resistance and possible pre-diabetes.
  • Hemoglobin A1C – long term (2-3 months) marker of glycemic control; also considered a marker of accelerated aging
  • C-peptide – a measure of endogenous insulin production; useful in distinguishing between ty pe 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Adiponectin – a hormone that ezymatically controls metabolism; high levels beneficial and indicate efficient cellular energy production
  • Metabolic syndrome traits – A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is confirmed if any three of the following six traits exist in a patient: (1) high triglycerides (2) high glucose (3) low HDL (4) high blood pressure (5) high waist circumference or (6) increased small dense LDL

The CardioMetabolic Risk Panel is the test that could save your life.

Sample Test:


Cost: $350 (Retail $499)

Cardiovascular Risk Profile Test

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with more deaths than all cancers- and more deaths in women than breast cancer. This Cardiovascular Risk Profile evaluates a thorough battery of traditional and advanced biomarkers to aid in the early detection and modification of risk factors. This test measures the activity of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase-A2 (PLAC), as well as the true LDL culprits; oxidized LDL, small dense LDL and Lp(a), which are higher in CVD patients and correlated with the severity of CVD. A total of thirteen primary and secondary risk factors are evaluated to provide actionable information at a tremendous value. 

Useful for:

Cardiovascular Disease
Lipid/Lipoprotein Profile
Heart Attack
Peripheral Artery Disease
Cardioprotective Nutrient Status

Cost: $199 (Retail $299)

At-Home Urinary Hormone and Metabolites Test

The most accurate and comprehensive way to achieve and maintain balance between Testosterone, DHEA, Estrogens, Progesterone and HPA-Axis. The 24-hour Comprehensive Hormone Profile includes metabolic pathway markers for each leg of the Steroidogenic Pathway that afford practitioners the ability to avoid common hormone misinterpretations, achieve better clinical outcomes and detect common health issues early, such as Type II diabetes, hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome and hormone-related cancer risk.

Useful for:

  • Female:
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Breast health
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Male
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Prostate health
  • Loss muscle mass
  • General
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Thyroid pathologies
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Fatigue/Insomnia
  • Libido
  • Mood
  • Cognitive concerns
  • Family history hormone-driven cancers
  • HRT/BHRT utilization
  • Weight gain

Cost: $299 sale (Retail $499)

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. Standard cholesterol tests can miss that YOU are at risk. SpectraCell’s CardioMetabolic Test offers a clinically relevant evaluation to help define risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), progression toward Type 2 Diabetes, and inflammation. It includes SpectraCell’s Advanced Lipoprotein Particle Profile™ Plus (LPPTM Plus), which measures lipoprotein size and density; cardiovascular risk stratification; and also includes triglycerides and traditional cholesterol screening.

Each patient is assigned a CardioMetabolic Risk Assessment, which is an indication of your risk (Low, Moderate or High) for developing cardiovascular disease, including stroke and diabetes. In addition, the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment is an estimate of your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.  These check points help patients understand that not just one factor, but rather a constellation of risk factors, contribute to the genesis and progression toward poor blood sugar control and/or ASCVD. 

Results of testing allow doctors to know when guidance, educational referral, or treatment is necessary. Key components of the CardioMetabolic Risk Panel are listed below.


All patients, and especially those who:

  • Have a family history of heart disease or diabetes
  • Have been diagnosed with heart disease or diabetes
  • Are already taking cholesterol-lowering medications
  • Have been diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome (high blood pressure)
  • Are overweight
  • Have high LDL – the bad cholesterol
  • Have low HDL – the good cholesterol
  • Have high triglycerides 


Standard cholesterol testing only gives you part of the picture leaving many people with “normal” cholesterol numbers unaware that they are still at risk for a heart attack.  The National Cholesterol Education Program introduced new risk factors that are responsible for many individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease. 

According to the NCEP guidelines, 50% of people who have a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels. 

Cholesterol is carried throughout the body in little balls called lipoproteins.  It is the lipoproteins, not the cholesterol in them, that leads to clogging of the arteries.



The Pre-Diabetes Biomarkers identify metabolic abnormalities that may progress into diabetes.  Pre-diabetes is a condition where the body cannot efficiently metabolize foods, especially carbohydrates, resulting in impaired glycemic (blood sugar) control which may progress to diabetes when not properly treated or addressed through lifestyle changes.

SpectraCell’s Pre-Diabetes Risk Score is a way to estimate a patient’s risk of developing diabetes and associated complications such as heart disease or stroke.  The following tests have the largest impact on the pre-diabetes risk score: hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood sugar and metabolic syndrome traits.  Other factors that significantly affect a pre-diabetic risk but that are not included in this report include weight, blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, inflammation and family history. 


  • Glucose – snapshot of blood sugar at time of blood draw
  • Insulin – correlates to the efficiency with which a person can metabolize carbohydrates; high fasting levels indicate insulin resistance and possible pre-diabetes.
  • Hemoglobin A1C – long term (2-3 months) marker of glycemic control; also considered a marker of accelerated aging
  • C-peptide – a measure of endogenous insulin production; useful in distinguishing between ty pe 1 and type 2 diabetes
  • Adiponectin – a hormone that ezymatically controls metabolism; high levels beneficial and indicate efficient cellular energy production
  • Metabolic syndrome traits – A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is confirmed if any three of the following six traits exist in a patient: (1) high triglycerides (2) high glucose (3) low HDL (4) high blood pressure (5) high waist circumference or (6) increased small dense LDL

The CardioMetabolic Risk Panel is the test that could save your life.

Sample Test:


Cost: $350 (Retail $499)

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is associated with more deaths than all cancers- and more deaths in women than breast cancer. This Cardiovascular Risk Profile evaluates a thorough battery of traditional and advanced biomarkers to aid in the early detection and modification of risk factors. This test measures the activity of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase-A2 (PLAC), as well as the true LDL culprits; oxidized LDL, small dense LDL and Lp(a), which are higher in CVD patients and correlated with the severity of CVD. A total of thirteen primary and secondary risk factors are evaluated to provide actionable information at a tremendous value. 

Useful for:

Cardiovascular Disease
Lipid/Lipoprotein Profile
Heart Attack
Peripheral Artery Disease
Cardioprotective Nutrient Status

Cost: $199 (Retail $299)

The most accurate and comprehensive way to achieve and maintain balance between Testosterone, DHEA, Estrogens, Progesterone and HPA-Axis. The 24-hour Comprehensive Hormone Profile includes metabolic pathway markers for each leg of the Steroidogenic Pathway that afford practitioners the ability to avoid common hormone misinterpretations, achieve better clinical outcomes and detect common health issues early, such as Type II diabetes, hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome and hormone-related cancer risk.

Useful for:

  • Female:
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Breast health
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Male
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Prostate health
  • Loss muscle mass
  • General
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Thyroid pathologies
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Fatigue/Insomnia
  • Libido
  • Mood
  • Cognitive concerns
  • Family history hormone-driven cancers
  • HRT/BHRT utilization
  • Weight gain

Cost: $299 sale (Retail $499)

At-Home Urine Metabolic Performance Profile

The Metabolic Performance Profile creates a personalized approach to optimal health through examining certain biomarkers of genetics, diet, lifestyle, environment, metabolism and detoxification to make assessments in the following areas; Cellular Energy Production, B-Vitamin and Methylation, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, Muscle Assessment, Gut Assessment, and Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids.

Metabolic Performance testing provides optimal nutrition which can help disease prevention and rebalance your body’s biochemical processes. The Metabolic Performance Profile and Nutrigenomics from Physicians Lab helps source the root cause of symptoms and problems, thereby allowing for personalized therapeutic and nutritional therapies leading you to optimal wellness.